Hi, I’m Charlie

I like to create stories with new tech that could not be created otherwise

Things like AI, or directional speakers, or cool custom shaders, or a bunch of other things

I want to be more than just a designer that programs

I want to make the kinds of things that only a person with an understanding of design and the technical stuff can

If you want to contact me…
Here is my email
And my resume
And my linkedin

Read below for more information about my projects

That's my blog theme. I call it Messagerie.

This is how entries look like when you use it. We don't need the conventional structure of blog posts to share our ideas and that's fine.

But what happens if you need those winning full-packed blog posts? No problem, It's okay to have post titles and avatars back if you need them. You will just need to set your posts under the correct Categories and it's done.

Enough with instructions, right? Delete this Group section and spread your word to the World.

  • Hello World!

    Welcome to WordPress! This is your first post. Edit or delete it to take the first step in your blogging journey.